Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Online journalism

In today's media, blogging is becoming an increasingly important tool for reporting and dissemenating information.

A regualar blogger since 2002, Bethany Keeley, a graduate student in the Department of Speech Communication at the University of Georgia, began the popular "unnecessary quotes" blog ( in 2005 and recently acquired a job as a content writer for the ThinkChristian blog (

According to Keeley, specificity is key when it comes to blog popularity.

"Unnecessary Quotes is so absurdly popular because it is so specific," said Keeley.

As Keeley has demonstrated with Unneccesary Quotes, blogging can be a fairly lucrative profression. After placing an ad unit from directly onto the Unnecessary Quotes page, Keely makes $200 to $500 per month.

The popularity of Keely's blog has garnered her attention from mainstream media, such as MSNBC online, MSN, as well as from other bloggers.

1 comment:

Grady Journalist said...


You don't need to and probably shouldn't list the URL when linking to a site. You want it to be part of the story where the reader can click on the hyperlink and not disrupt the flow. Notice how Melanie does this in her article.
You have Keeley's last name spelled twice at the end. Can you please edit that?
Another quote or two from Keeley would improve your piece too. Good job getting the info. up fast but be careful for misspellings.