Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Bethany Keeley Talks About Writing for the Web.

Writing for a web-based audience is a major part of journalism today. Writing for the web requires an extra set of skills that are not necessary for the traditional newspaper and magazine writing approach.

Bethany Keeley, a PhD graduate student at the University of Georgia is a contributing writer for ThinkChristian and authors the popular "Blog" of "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks. Keeley said that her approaches for post writing differ greatly between the two blogs.

With ThinkChristian, Keeley posts about a topic and how her Christian values relate to it or how she interprets the topic through the lens of her Christian values. However, on Unnecessary Quotes, Keeley's focus is on making snarky comments placed under picutres of signs with humorous punctuation errors.

Unnecessary Quotes appeals to a specifc audience because its content is "absurdly specific" said Keeley. On a regular weekday Unnecessary Quotes gets between 3000-4000 hits a day. The blog's popularity has lead to multiple interviews, including one with AP.

Keeley said she dislikes how the interviews and stories make her appear angry at the punctuation errors, which is not the case. "I don't want to be a grammar guru, I don't want to be a punctutation guru. I care about funny," said Keeley.

Keeley's advice to bloggers and web writers is to remember to keep it brief and concise because "people don't want to read something long." She also recommends blogging about something that interests or humors you, it will make it more fun for yourself and your readers.

1 comment:

Grady Journalist said...


This is very well written, and good use of links. You put Bethany's advice into action. Great work!